What are you doing during the COVID-19 pandemic to keep clients safe?
I see clients virtually by phone or secure videoconference technology (telehealth) that is HIPAA-compliant.
Virtual telehealth appointments are available by phone or private, secure videoconference technology (telehealth).
I see clients virtually by phone or secure videoconference technology (telehealth) that is HIPAA-compliant.
When will you return to the office for in-person visits?
I rely on multiple factors, including guidance from local and state health authorities for when it might be safe to return to in-person visits.
What will you do when you are able to return to the office and restrictions are lifted?
- As is our standard operating procedure, I have taken steps to thoroughly clean the office. To take this one step further, I keep bleach wipes on hand to wipe down door knobs and surfaces after each client.
- I also offer hand sanitizer to anyone visiting the office and encourage them to use it.
I ask that our clients consider rescheduling if they are ill or anyone in their household is ill to reduce risk of spreading germs.