Relationship Problems
All relationships have their ups and downs, conflict, and very tough times. When relationships aren’t going well, it can be frustrating and upsetting. If you are being harmed physically or emotionally, abusive relationships can be dangerous to your well-being and physical safety.
Relationship issues are common
Consider this: More than half of workers surveyed reported that they left a job because of frustration with their manager. Four in nine Americans surveyed by Harris Interactive reported being extremely or very unhappy in a romantic relationship with a spouse or partner. And, the National Domestic Violence Hotline reports that 12 million Americans are affected by intimate partner violence each year.
You might have some very strong or intense feelings about aspects of your relationship, such as ways the relationship has changed or maybe something has frustrated you for a long time. I’m here to help you as an individual to think and talk about whatever you’re dealing with and to help you understand it. Together, we can come up with ideas for how to improve the situation, and brainstorm options if that isn’t possible.
How do I know if I should seek help?
We all have times when we don’t agree with or get along completely with someone in our lives. Those times come and go. However, if some disagreement or difficulty doesn’t seem to go away, causes lots of stress for you, or just seems to get in the way of how you’d like the relationship to be, it can be really helpful to talk about that with someone who is trained to understand and help.
Whether you’re dealing with a difficult boss or business partner, a spouse, close friend or family member, having a neutral third party can give you the sounding board you need to let off steam and really explore the heart of the issue.
How can psychotherapy help?
Meeting with a psychologist can help in a number of ways. It can help to learn about new coping strategies and have some practice in how to implement them and what to say. It can help to talk through the emotions you’re having, understand them and realize how they’ve affected you and the relationship.
Let’s get started!
There’s no need to feel stuck and distressed. Get in touch with me at 512-627-3583 to set up an appointment today and learn more about my background and training. Learn more about psychotherapy and the approaches I use to help clients get the help they need to get their lives back on the right track!